Looking in Brigg for a hotel?
Finding the right accommodation isn’t always easy. Whilst there may be plenty of options when it comes to staying in Brigg, it’s important to find one that makes you feel at home. It should be in a suitable location, have fantastic reviews and all the facilities you’ll need to make your stay comfortable and relaxing.
At Holcombe Guest House we provide all of the above and much more. We go above and beyond to make sure your stay is warm and welcoming, and will do all we can to make sure you feel right at home with us. Our friendly staff are on hand around the clock to help in any way they can, and will happily recommend local places to visit and explore.
We provide rooms that very from singles to family en-suites and all rooms have the following:
- Alarm clock
- Comfortable bed with fresh bedding
- Free Wi-Fi
- Washbasin
- Heating
- Hot drink making facilities
In addition, we provide off road parking and a charging point for an electric car. If you would like to reserve a room with us, call us today on 07850 764002 or email us at holcombe.guest.house@gmail.com.